How to run KS-Editor in fullscreen - or bigger sized window?

  • 2 Replies
Ola Foristas,

I' ve started level editing with KS-Editor today. So it's my first contact with this program. So far I am very happy that it is very intuitiv. But, is there a possibility to make it run in fullscreen or to change the winow size? I got eyes like a mole... 8)



Offline ixMarcel

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Re: How to run KS-Editor in fullscreen - or bigger sized window?
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2017, 16:28:17 »
Hi simsalabimbo!

As far as I know there's no way to run KS Level Editor in fullscreen mode. The first thing that comes to my mind - you can lower your screen resolution so the window appears bigger on your monitor.

You should also check out egomassive's KS+ mod. It adds many new features and mechanics to the base game (allows you to play KS+ levels) and comes with modded Level Editor+.

Level Editor+ comes with many new functionalities and useful features. Here's one that may interest you - hold spacebar to see a fullscreen preview of the screen you're editing. It's not the perfect solution, but nothing else comes to my mind right now.

Re: How to run KS-Editor in fullscreen - or bigger sized window?
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2017, 16:53:47 »
Hi ixMarcel,

thank you for the information! Yes, lowering the screen resolution is good so far. I check out egomassives website and Level Editor+. It looks very interesting...
It's big fun making the first steps with the Level Editor! I finished a tutorial today and now think of a story to create.

I've been working as a soundengineer for game-development years ago. But it became annoying to edit all this dumb, brutal stuff - why do people always want to play wargames?? I am very glad to have stumbled upon nifflas games! That Artist reanimated my interest in video-games... :D

Greetings from germany!
SimsalaBimbo :nuts: