[Small][Easy][Maze] Dark Alleys

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Offline Vegetal Gibber

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[Small][Easy][Maze] Dark Alleys
« on: May 28, 2010, 21:34:59 »
Two days ago, I decided to make a cool, original level for the current level making competition hosted by egomassive (real life themed levels). Unfortunately, due to my poor skills and the fact I only had two days to complete the project, I ended up creating this... thing.

It's a small maze level in which Juni goes on an epic quest to... take out the garbage! While she's searching for a dumpster, the street lighting on the city fails and everything goes dark. You have to guide Juni through the dark streets, find a dumpster to dispose of the smelly trash and then find a way to return home. But be careful! This is not a simple 2D maze. You can get lost easily in those dark alleys if you don't keep track of the turns you take, so pay attention to details.

The level features custom graphics, stereo ambience sound and a few simple puzzles.

Spoiler: Sample screenshot (click to show/hide)

Download link (v1.1)

Update patch for v1.0

Have fun... or something :P

TIP: The graphics are pretty dark, so you may want to set KS to full screen before playing.

BONUS: "Dark city streets" tileset released, it's attached to this post. It's not very good, as I had to rush it for this level... but if someone wants to use it, go ahead (you don't have to ask for permission, just credit me).
« Last Edit: May 30, 2010, 00:53:21 by Vegetal Gibber »
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Re: [Small][Easy][Maze] Dark Alleys
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2010, 08:38:07 »
wow cooooool, a mysterious feeling  :^^:


Offline Vegetal Gibber

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Re: [Small][Easy][Maze] Dark Alleys
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2010, 16:39:17 »
Thanks! :)  Initially, I wanted this to be an Environmental level, so that's why I focused into setting a dark and lonely city atmosphere. Later, I decided to make it a maze level and include a few simple puzzles... so I took off the "Environmental" category tag (I read somewhere in the competition thread that an environmental level should not have puzzles nor challenges in it).
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Re: [Small][Easy][Maze] Dark Alleys
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2010, 21:51:42 »
Urk!!  I'm a flaming moron. I left an incorrect shift object in there :S  Fortunately, it doesn't break the game (no void/wallswim), but it makes you appear at a wrong screen when you exit a certain street, so you could get pretty confused. It's fixed now. I also fixed some incorrect tiles here and there.

I've replaced the download link with one for the fixed version and uploaded a small update. If you already downloaded the level, you can just get and install the 52KB update (just say "yes" when KS asks you if it's okay to overwrite).
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Re: [Small][Easy][Maze] Dark Alleys
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2010, 12:05:02 »
This here is an absolutely terrific level! You managed to reproduce the feeling of a big city at night perfectly. I got lost almost immediately and somehow still managed to get
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, but I'll have to play the level again to find the normal one, plus some of the dialogue I see in world.ini that I never got.

Minor things I thought were a bit problematic:
- the buildings that are supposed to be very far away are actually transparent, so they don't look like buildings, more like odd block-shaped pieces of the sky. But then I guess making them opaque wouldn't work so well, hmm  <_<
- that piece of dialogue you get on the graffiti,
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)
. That actually made me pause and feel sad and disappointed because it broke the immersion so badly.

Otherwise, terrific little level with replay value and everything. Oh, and great jokes!
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)


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Re: [Small][Easy][Maze] Dark Alleys
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2010, 13:44:54 »
I'm happy you liked it :D  This was my first attempt to make an ''environmental-ish'' level (although I decided not to label it as Environmental for the reasons I explained before).

I actually agree with you on the things you commented. I couldn't decide on how to represent those far-away buildings. Using opaque tiles didn't look good to me, so I resorted to using those traslucent shadowy tiles. It looked a bit weird, but I just didn't have time to draw more custom tiles (maybe I should have used a darker shadow...). As for the graffiti... yeah, I too feel like I overdid with the jokes at that point. Fun fact is, I ran out of coffee just when I was making that screen, so maybe that's why I lost inspiration :P  I might release a more polished version of this level when I finish my other project (Castle Escape).

Thanks for the feedback! :)
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Re: [Small][Easy][Maze] Dark Alleys
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2010, 15:07:53 »
Ahaha, I just played this and noticed the reference to
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Thanks for that.  :P2 The level itself is great too!

Found both the normal one and the
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As I said before, great level!

I want to know what's in the creepy-looking building! SEQUELLLLLL!!!!!1111oneone!!!!111eleven

« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 15:31:27 by Yukabacera »
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Re: [Small][Easy][Maze] Dark Alleys
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2010, 20:24:25 »
Thanks for the compliments :)  Yes, that one was the secret ending, although it's not particularly well hidden. Unless...

As for the creepy building... well, I can't promise you a full-fledged sequel right now, but... who knows!  However, if I do release a revised version of this level (which I intend to do once I finish Castle Escape), it'll be extended with some bonus content ;)
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Re: [Small][Easy][Maze] Dark Alleys
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2010, 21:08:29 »
That would be awesome! And no, I'm not using an outdated sound system. OR playing without sound. Sound is important! (Especially for the car alarm)

Oh and, when I first found the bottle of
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I thought you're supposed to give it to the old guy. To poison him or something.  :P2

Yay for getting eaten by grues!

EDIT: Just checked the world.ini, and found one itsy-bitsy piece of dialog I never found! The
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« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 21:13:05 by Yukabacera »
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Re: [Small][Easy][Maze] Dark Alleys
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2010, 21:49:24 »
I thought you're supposed to give it to the old guy. To poison him or something.  :P2

That's... that's actually a very interesting idea. Maybe I'll shamelessly steal it for the extended version XD

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Re: [Small][Easy][Maze] Dark Alleys
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2010, 00:05:42 »
Very VERY good maze level.  I actually had to break out the pen and paper to map out where I was, which I've never done with a Knytt Story yet.


<_<  Didn't realize there was two endings.  Guess I have to head back in, now.

 <3 <3 <3 THUMBS UP <3 <3 <3
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Re: [Small][Easy][Maze] Dark Alleys
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2010, 02:12:44 »
this maze level is amazing.

normal end get.
i still can't find the secret ending...

maybe i need DFS algorithm to work this out XD.
[achvmnt]VkVSMDIAAACBwgAAgYEAAAAAAAAA[/achvmnt]WaDF is the one of the best plaformer games I've ever played XD


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Re: [Small][Easy][Maze] Dark Alleys
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2010, 13:30:33 »
I'm flattered :oops:

I got the idea for the "sorta-3D" confusing maze from a very old PC game (King's Quest V). I thought I could do something similar to replicate that "lost in the streets" feeling. Glad you liked it, dudes :D

Spoiler: Hint for secret ending (click to show/hide)
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Re: [Small][Easy][Maze] Dark Alleys
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2010, 14:05:07 »
O_O  Um...For those who are planing to map out this thing, which is fun in it's own right, here's a hint...

Spoiler: ...sort of (click to show/hide)

Good luck.
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Re: [Small][Easy][Maze] Dark Alleys
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2010, 18:13:44 »
King's Quest V

If a Sierra game was your inspiration, I'm surprised there aren't any unexpected deaths in this level.

Never played any King's Quest games, but it's Sierra, so I know what I should expect.

Trust me. I played Space Quest 1, 2, the VGA version of 1, and Police Quest 1. I seriously know what to expect.

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